Friday 29 July 2022

Klaus Wunderlich - Hammond Concerto

Travel with me back to around 1960; a young, fresh-faced Herr Wunderlich has grown concerned that the car boot sales and thrift stores of future decades may not have enough records. He's decided to do something about this awful dearth of cheap old schallplatten, producing his opening opus - Hammond Concerto - in mono.

Keen to capitalise on this philanthropic gesture, Telefunken soon decides to add to the pile with a stereo version which found its way into my arms via the Brighton Marina car boot sale over 50 years later. 

Unfortunately the picture of Klaus which was used for the original was accidentally sat on and badly creased, so it couldn't be used for the stereo version. Below is a picture of the youthful Klaus from that original record. He's almost unrecognisable but for that hard stare we all know and love.

The content of 'Hammond Concerto' can definitely be classified as light music; it reminds me of short low budget films produced in the USA at about that time, in which first dates at wiener roasts might be portrayed.

After the visual treat above, the cover of my record is a little lacking but the promise of stereo almost makes up for it. 


Klaus Wunderlich - Hammond Concerto 260kbps VBR


  1. The classic - "piss off you >>ckers" look

  2. There's no need for that - 'Fickers' is fine (as Klaus would say it)
